^ momoa rukel from gachiakuta ^


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Welcome to my website!


powered by Surfing Waves

Playing: Cookie Run:Kingdom
Watching: whatever youtube recommends
Listening to: random soundcloud tracks
Feeling:The current mood of usprisoner at www.imood.com
HELLO!!!!!!!! my name is yvette im the webmaster hehehehehehe welcome to my personal website!!! i am a 19 year old agender puerto rican that goes by aaaannny pronouns and am happily married to my partner LUCY!!!!!!!!!!! i am a multifandom artist and video editor!
i have many many MANY interests and the list grows often that i cant keep track!!! i have a huuuuge list of things to get into as well : )
as for this website.... this is the 6th (technically 7th) overhaul of the entire site!!!! i like to think that the constant theme switching shows how much ive progressed since the birth of this site on 8/10/2024!!! i decided to start this out of impulse after seeing monsieurdoll's suuuuuper awesome website and then going down a neocities rabbit hole ... i was AMAZED by the creativity shown before my eyes and i wanted to give it a try, thus leading to the website you see today! :P however, this place will never be finished since i always have new ideas i want to try out ,, feel free to snag any bits of code/decoration you want, and check out my second neocities account for more stuff! just credit me if you use any of my self-made assets (will be titled)! PLEASE NOTE- this website is meant to be viewed on a computer, so it may look wonky on some devices!!! other than that, please enjoy your stay! X)
links: neocities profile/twitter/instagram/spotify

Today's date+time:


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[2/21/2025] momoa layout is back and better!!!!
[1/23/2025] added gifs and moved the video so the box at the very bottom isnt so awkwardly small !
[1/21/2025] gifypet added :D treat it nicely...
[1/16/2025] readjusted video display so its not super tiny anymore... hello giant anime girl on my screen!
[11/23/2024] stuff got changed + added
[11/22/2024] new site layout for the 3000th time lol ...
[11/18/2024] added site archive! also i forgot to mention the addition of an edit archive and art gallery, those are linked at the bottom
[10/13/2024] some customization to animations + adding more images cuz why not, art gallery added
[10/12/2024] added more things :P
[10/8/2024] WEBSITE OVERHAUL AGAIN!!!!!!
[10/1/2024] HALLOWEEN UPDATE!!!
[9/22/2024] webrings added + guilty gear shrine created
[9/21/2024] tshd shrine layout changed
[9/20/2024] FINALLY figured out how to put the iframes in the div im just too good
[9/19/2024] resources page slightly tweaked to match current theme + crob shrine theme updated
[9/18/2024] shrines menu theme changed to match the current one
[9/17/2024] blog page + art gallery themes changed to match the current one
[9/16/2024] added status cafe + imood
[9/14/2024] about me page DEMOLISHED and layout has been completely changed :P
[9/10/2024] about me page updated! wanted it to have a different look
[9/7/2024] cookie run shrine added!
[8/25/2024] plushies shrine added!
[8/23/2024] added my first shrine to the shrine menu! more to come soon
[8/22/2024] resources page + shrine menu added!
[8/21/2024] art gallery + blog added
[8/20/2024] about page added + links to other websites! go check them out :D
[8/19/2024] second shot at making a website im proud of :o